Results for 'Betiama P. Marinoni'

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    Acuerdo Y desacuerdo en la ilíada. Un análisis de Kata moipan Y kat’ai σan como marcadores discursivos.Betiama P. Marinoni - 2020 - Argos 2 (38):64-83.
    En los últimos años, la validez de aplicar parámetros específicos de la teoría de la pragmática del lenguaje a los poemas homéricos, y a las lenguas clásicas, ha sido ampliamente comprobada. También este trabajo intenta demostrar que este tipo de abordaje permite una comprensión más profunda de los discursos persuasivos de la Ilíada. En efecto, el propósito del presente estudio es observar la utilización de los sintagmas preposicionales κατὰ μοῖραν y κατ’ αἶσαν como marcadores discursivos. Así, buscamos analizar por qué (...)
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    Acuerdo y desacuerdo en la Ilíada: Un análisis de κατὰ μοῖραν y κατ' αἶσαν como marcadores discursivos.Betiana P. Marinoni - 2015 - Argos (Universidad Simón Bolívar) 38 (2):147-166.
    En los últimos años, la validez de aplicar parámetros específicos de la teoría de la pragmática del lenguaje a los poemas homéricos, y a las lenguas clásicas, ha sido ampliamente comprobada. También este trabajo intenta demostrar que este tipo de abordaje permite una comprensión más profunda de los discursos persuasivos de la Ilíada. En efecto, el propósito del presente estudio es observar la utilización de los sintagmas preposicionales κατὰ μοῖραν y κατ' αἶσαν como marcadores discursivos. Así, buscamos analizar por qué (...)
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  3. Nonconscious Social Information Processing.P. Lewicki - 1986 - Academic Press.
  4. Self-organized criticality.P. Bak & K. Chen - 1991 - Scientific American 264 (1):46–53.
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  5. (3 other versions)The Philosophy of Rudolf Carnap.P. A. Schilpp - 1963 - Philosophy 42 (161):291-293.
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  6. A Rumor of Angels: Modern Society and the Rediscovery of the Supernatural.P. L. BERGER - 1969
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  7. Υποθηκαι.P. Friedländer - 1913 - Hermes 48 (4):558-616.
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  8. Getting shocks: Teaching electrostatics with historical experiments at secondary school level.P. Heering - 2000 - Science & Education 9:363-373.
  9. In Defence of Objective Bayesianism.P. M. Ainsworth - 2012 - Analysis 72 (4):832-843.
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    Frege structures and the notions of truth and proposition.P. Aczel - 1980 - In Stephen Cole Kleene, Jon Barwise, H. Jerome Keisler & Kenneth Kunen, The Kleene Symposium: proceedings of the symposium held June 18-24, 1978 at Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.A. New York: sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier North-Holland.
  11. Jevons, William Stanley'.P. L. Heath - 1967 - In Paul Edwards, The Encyclopedia of philosophy. New York,: Macmillan. pp. 4--260.
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    Existential Biology: Kurt Goldstein's Functionalist Rendering of the Human Body.P. M. Whitehead - 2019 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 27 (1-2):206-224.
    The author clarifies the existential philosophy that is implicit in Kurt Goldstein's philosophy of organism (Goldstein, 1963; 1995). Situated in response to the growing trend that psychological phenomena are reducible to the nervous system, the author argues for the reverse: that the significance of nervous system activity can only be understood by viewing it as background to foreground performances. Like the organization of perception into meaningful figure-- ground Gestalts, the existential modes of embodiment, sociality, temporality, spatiality, and attunement are organized (...)
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    Om-Sentences: On the Derivation of Sentences with Systematically Unspecifiable Interpretations.P. W. Culicover - 1972 - Foundations of Language 8 (2):199-236.
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    Avant-propos.E. P. - 1990 - Études Phénoménologiques 6 (11):3-7.
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    (1 other version)#2 Wittgenstein and the Autonomy Of Humanistic Understanding.P. M. S. Hacker - 2001 - In Peter Michael Stephan Hacker, Wittgenstein: Connections and Controversies. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
    Clarifies why Wittgenstein’s philosophy has profound implications for the humanities and human sciences. It sketches the gradual growth, from the Renaissance until the early twentieth century, of awareness of the distinctive nature of the understanding involved in the study of mankind as social, historical, and cultural beings. It explains the weaknesses of the traditional objections to methodological monism and argues that Wittgenstein’s philosophy of language and his philosophy of mind and action make a unique and powerful contribution to methodological pluralism (...)
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  16. Origins of Post-Modernity (Simon Bourke).P. Anderson - 2000 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 78 (1):134-134.
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  17. Croce e Dilthey.P. P. A. - 1977 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana:288.
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    San Agustín y el «tesoro de humildad» de Fray Justo del Espíritu Santo.P. Aguirre - 1980 - Augustinus 25 (97-100):309-316.
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  19. Helmut Kuhn.P. P. A. - 1970 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana:311.
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  20. L'evoluzione delle borghesia.P. P. A. - 1973 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana:464.
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  21. Problemy vzaimosvi︠a︡zi filosofii, estestvoznanii︠a︡ i medit︠s︡iny: nauchnye trudy.P. V. Alekseev (ed.) - 1968 - Moskva: Moskovskiĭ med. stomatologicheskiĭ in-t.
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  22. De valkuilen van subgroepanalyses.P. Chevalier & M. van Driel - 2006 - Minerva 5 (10).
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  23. The coming of precision to scientific observation.P. Costabel - 1975 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 29 (114):447-452.
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  24. Transforming the church isn't finished yet.P. J. Cullinane - 2018 - The Australasian Catholic Record 95 (1):3.
    Cullinane, PJ In his encyclical Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis sets his hopes, dreams and expectations for the church squarely within the gospel. He says, for example: I dream of a 'missionary option', that is, a missionary impulse capable of transforming everything, so that the Church's customs, ways of doing things, times and schedules, language and structures can be suitably channeled for the evangelization of today's world rather than for the Church's own self-preservation.
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  25. Vita e organismo. Le origini della fisiologia sperimentale in Italia.P. C. P. C. - 1992 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 12:139.
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    On Carnap's Elimination of Metaphysics.P. M. S. Hacker - 2001 - In Peter Michael Stephan Hacker, Wittgenstein: Connections and Controversies. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
    Carnap’s 1931–2 paper ‘The Elimination of Metaphysics through the Logical Analysis of Language’ is surveyed, and Carnap’s criticisms of metaphysics are elucidated. The relationship between Carnap’s views and the critique of metaphysics of the Tractatus is described. Carnap’s criticisms of metaphysics are compared with Wittgenstein’s later critique of metaphysics.
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    Galen: Psychological Writings: Avoiding Distress, Character Traits, the Diagnosis and Treatment of the Affections and Errors Peculiar to Each Person's Soul, the Capacities of the Soul Depend on the Mixtures of the Body.P. N. Singer (ed.) - 2013 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    All Galen's surviving shorter works on psychology and ethics - including the recently discovered Avoiding Distress, and the neglected Character Traits, extant only in Arabic - are here presented in one volume in a new English translation, with substantial introductions and notes and extensive glossaries. Original and penetrating analyses are provided of the psychological and philosophical thought, both of the above and of two absolutely central works of Galenic philosophy, Affections and Errors and The Capacities of the Soul, by some (...)
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  28. Neural network plasticity, BDNF and behavioral interventions in Alzheimer s disease.P. Hubka - 2006 - Cognition 50 (56):57.
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  29. Ethics.P. Abelard - 1971
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  30. Replies from the Churchlands.P. M. Churchland & P. S. Churchland - 1996 - In Robert McCauley, Churchlands and Their Critics. Cambridge, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 217--306.
  31. Bohr's Interpretation of the Quantum Theory.P. K. Feyerabend - 1961 - In Herbert Feigl & Grover Maxwell, Current Issues in the Philosophy of Science. New York.
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  32. La questione femminile nella cultura ebraica contemporanea tra comunitarismo E liberalismo.P. Levi & B. Greenberg - forthcoming - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano.
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  33. Learning Disabilities, Schools, and Neurological Dysfunction.P. Neufeld & S. Takacs - 2006 - Journal of Thought 41 (4):103.
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  34. Quantum theory and the equivalence principle.P. C. W. Davies - unknown
    It is widely accepted that EinstcinRi7;s general theory of relativity is an satisfactory description of gravity 0nly in the macroscopic limit, where quantum eiTcc1;s may be neglected. Presumably this theory is inapplicable at the Planck length, but recently much attention has been devoted to gravitational theory at intermediate length scales where quantum affects 0f matter are inescapable, but where there is an general assumption that the gravitational Held may bc treated as a classical background, augmented if necessary by quamtizcd linearized (...)
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  35. Eclecticism, restoration and retrogression-after reading'chien-Ming Chung-Kuo Che-Hsueh Shih'.P. Shih - 1980 - Chinese Studies in Philosophy 11 (2):4-11.
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  36. The Disappearance of Introspection.P. Simpson - 1987 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 65:483.
  37. Husserl on Philosophy as Rigorous Science.P. McCormick - 1981 - In Peter McCormick & Frederick A. Elliston, Husserl, Shorter Works. University of Notre Dame Press. pp. 161--165.
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  38. About Time.P. J. Zwart, I. Hinckfuss & P. Suppes - 1977 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 28 (4):389-390.
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  39. It's Not Easy to Exorcise Ghosts.P. Feyerabend - 1997 - Common Knowledge 6:98-123.
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  40. Heidegger and the Phenomenology of Values.P. EMAD - 1981
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  41. C. L. Haller e Rosmini.P. P. F. - 1969 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana:487.
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  42. Foi et épistémologies contemporaines. Faith and the Contemporary Epistemologies.P. Swiggers - 1978 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 40 (3):528-528.
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  43. Norberto Bobbio.P. P. F. - 1969 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana:488.
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  44. Byzantine cloisonné enamel: Production, survival and loss (*).P. Hetherington - 2006 - Byzantion 76:185-220.
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  45. Vecchi-e-non-antichi-differing responses to byzantine culture in 14th-century tuscany.P. Hetherington - 1992 - Rinascimento 32:203-211.
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  46. Kant's idea of peace in German war philosophy during World War I.P. Hoeres - 2002 - Kant Studien 93 (1):84-112.
  47. B. FRICKE, Ecce fides, ISBN 978-3-7705-4438-7.P. Hofmann - 2008 - Theologie Und Philosophie 83 (4):617.
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  48. Musiktherapie bei chronischen Schmerzen.P. Hoffmann - 1998 - Kairos: Revista de Temas Sociales 2:64-71.
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  49. (1 other version)T. WALLBRECHER/L. WEIMER/A. STÖTZEL (HGG.), 30 Jahre Wegbegleitung, ISBN 978-3-932857-40-9.P. Hofmann - 2010 - Theologie Und Philosophie 85 (3):472.
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    Multilevel molecular evolution: Pattern generation and its evolutionary consequences.P. Hogeweg - 1995 - In Robert J. Russell, Nancey Murphy & Arthur R. Peacocke, Chaos and Complexity. Vatican Observatory Publications. pp. 121.
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